Treehouse Miami Now Accepting Carousers

A red-hot new sipping spot has opened in the heart of Miami, a cozy cove-like nightclub that goes by the name of Treehouse Miami.

Featuring a leather-studded bar, teak-lined walls and seriously sexy lighting, we're sure this three-roomed venue evoking neo-ski lodges will be the proverbial go-to in no time.

Owned by Jeremy Waks (previously of Heathrow Lounge) with interior design by Dave Glass, the eclectic club also boasts a 3,000 square-foot backyard garden space with synthetic grass carpeting, come-hither cabana beds and rattan lounges with pristine white cushions.

Nice Detail: We've heard that in addition to flickering candles, the backyard is also equipped with projectors that can play videos and artwork against the wall.