Taos Harwood Museum Celebrates 90th Anniversary

To commemorate the 90th anniversary of Taos, a cultural hub of Northern New Mexico, the Harwood Foundation’s Harwood Museum of Art has announced that it planned a series of exhibitions, community parties, and other public programs. The museum officially kicks off the 90th anniversary on September 21, with free admission to 90th Anniversary exhibitions “The Harwoods”, “Burt Harwood: Historic Photographs” and “Highlights from the Taos Municipal Schools Historic Art Collection.” Other activities are also scheduled.

The main event is the Harwood’s Roaring 20’s Party, which takes place at the Rancho de Taos landmark Old Martina’s Hall, on October 19.

The Harwood Museum of Art’s 90th anniversary schedule includes: the 90th Anniversary Exhibitions starting September 20; “The Harwoods,” “Burt Harwood: Historic Photographs” and “Highlights from the Taos Municipal Schools Historic Art Collection” open to the public on September 21; Taos Chamber Music Group concerts on September 28 and 29; a 1920s-inspired party on October 19; exhibition at Mabel Dodge Luhan House on November 2; and Art on Tap fundraising event on November 16.

The Harwood Museum of Art, located in Taos, New Mexico, founded in 1923, is the second oldest art museum in New Mexico. In 2010, the Harwood Museum inaugurated its expansion which includes an auditorium, library, additional exhibition space, and a collection storage facility.