Neuroscientist Dr. Tara Swart Shares Top 10 Tips on How to Beat Jetlag

With the peak business and holiday travel season upon us, Corinthia Hotel London's Neuroscientist in Residence shared her top 10 tips for how to beat jetlag. In a three-phase approach: pre-trip; in-flight; and on arrival, Dr. Tara Swart said the following 10 tips will help travelers overcome jetlag: 


  • Shift your internal rhythms before you fly. Depending on where you are flying (east or west), exposure to additional light in the morning or afternoon for a number of days before departure will help the body make the necessary adjustments 
  • Only use prescribed sleeping tablets for a maximum of two days on either side of a trip that involves more than a four-hour time difference


  • Fasting until breakfast time in the new time one will help to re-anchor the body's rhythms
  • Drink at least 16 ounces for every 33 pounds of body weight. This will help to limit the dehydrating effects of high altitude 

On Arrival 

  • Do some aerobic exercise upon arrival – this will help to wake the body up and boost mental performance
  • Expose yourself to as much daylight as possible during the day
  • Adjust your sleep routine to the local time zone by choosing optimal travel times: allow your eyes to observe the transition from light to dark after arrival; our internal body clock is controlled by the sleep-inducing hormone, melatonin, which is released by the pineal gland into your bloodstream when it gets dark 
  • Avoid alcohol before bed as it does not induce a natural sleep that will allow your body to recover
  • Avoid drinking coffee after 2 p.m. to mitigate its impact on the quality of your sleep
  • Limit the use of blue light-emitting devices, like smartphones, an hour or so before bed; they trick the pineal gland into thinking it's day time and so inhibit melatonin production

Dr. Tara Swart is Cortinthia Hotel London's Neuroscientist in Residence – a partnership that is a world first for any hotel group. As part of her year-long residency, Tara is giving talks at the hotel and researching the mental resilience of people across various business sectors. Her studies will lend themselves to a Brain Power Study to be published in summer 2017.